This event has now ended.

Event Organiser

Nikki Smith
BG Futures ( BGU)

Email Organiser

Lincoln Teenage Market

Bishop Grosseteste University is pleased to announce the first Lincoln Teenage Market. Welcoming all young people aged between 13-22*:

Saturday 15th October 2016

Lincoln, Cornhill

10am – 4pm

*(Young people under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or responsible adult for the duration of the event.)

Participation in this event is FREE and no trading experience is necessary. We provide your stand for the day and take care of most insurances*, all you have to provide is your own cash/float. Traders should be aware that set up is required prior to the 10am market opening time.

*(Unless you are a performer or trader using fire, knives, or juggling; in which case you will need to provide your own insurance)

It’s easy to get involved:

Visit the Teenage Market homepage and click on the trader or performer sign up. Follow the step by step guide to create your own profile.

Once created you can apply to take part in the Teenage Market, Lincoln by clicking ‘Apply to be a trader/performer’ at the top of the events page.

We welcome both groups and individuals and encourage anyone to try out their trader or performer skills.