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Event Organiser

Jo Taylor
Events Organiser

Email Organiser

Bolsover Christmas Teenage Market

Now is the chance to secure your pitch at the Bolsover Christmas Teenage Market, taking place in the Town Square in Bolsover, you must be aged between 13 and 19 years.

We welcome a whole variety of traders, all we ask is that you source or make your own products and come along to enjoy trying out your entrepreneurial skills. We're giving you the chance to shine and be proud, by selling your handmade wares, giving you the opportunity to test the market with your handmade crafts and helping you gain confidence in selling, meeting and speaking to the public.

We are a friendly market and look forward to welcoming every kind of trader! We also plan to have various performers throughout the day to help the market go with a swing too!

We welcome performers who are looking for a platform in which to showcase their talent, from solo acoustic artists, to bands, to duets, to dance troops, to vocal choirs. You are all very welcome.

It’s really easy to get involved – all you need to do is visit the Traders and Performers sections of this website to register and create yourself a profile about who you are and what you do. Once you have created your profile, you can then apply to take part in Bolsover Christmas Teenage Market by clicking on the Teenage Markets page of this website and applying to be a trader or performer. We welcome groups as well as individuals.

(Please note we require a responsible adult to supervise participants under the age of 16 for the duration of the market)